§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Исенина Е.И. Родителям о психическом развитии и поведении глухих детей первых лет жизни

В каталоге: Дефектология
Прислано в библиотеку: deafteacher
Стр. 59

23.              Meadow K.P., Urnold E. Deafness and child development. L., 1980.

24.              Menejuk P. Effects of hearing loss on language acquisition in the babbling stage // Hearing loss in children. P. 621— 639.

25.              Minnett P. Child care and development. L, 1985.

26.              Myklebust H.K. Your deaf child: A guide for parents. Springfield, 1960.

27.              Parents in action: A handbook of experiences with their hearing-impaired children. Shigton, 1978.

28.              Schlesinger H.S., Meadow K.P. Sound and sign: Childhood deafness and mental health. Berkeley, 1972.

29.              Willesmen E. Understanding Infancy. San Francisco, 1979.

30.              Wood H.A. The development of children from birth to six years of age: A collection of 18 developmental tests. Nottingham, 1967.

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